In The Classroom

Today, many Ohio students are disconnected from agriculture and don't know where their food comes from. OPA is proud to support agriculture education in Ohio's classrooms by providing programs and materials for students, teachers and families. These resources have been developed by experienced teachers and Ohio farmers, and align with Ohio's state curriculum standards. For more information on educational materials, please contact OPA at


The following resources will help students better understand Ohio's egg, chicken and turkey farming, and agriculture.

Take a virtual tour through a REAL Ohio egg farm to learn how egg farmers take excellent care of their animals and produce safe, high-quality eggs.


Incredible Egg logo

America's egg farmers invite teachers and students to learn more about where eggs come from and how they make it from farm to table.

The American Egg Board (AEB) has partnered with educational organizations to create effective curriculum materials to help teach students about eggs and egg farming. AEB and its partners have created practical, ready-to-use materials for K-12 teachers that meet Common Core Standards. Lessons can be integrated into math, science, language arts and social studies, and provide activities that explain the benefit of a healthy diet and exercise, as well as topics ranging from scientific exploration to creating a healthy plate and learning to read nutritional labels.


707 S. Front St.
Columbus, OH 43206
(614) 882-6111

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